Saturday, May 16, 2020

Discussion of State Sovereignty and Globalization

This paper aims to discuss the rather amorphous concepts of ‘state sovereignty’ and ‘Globalization’ and how the notion of sovereignty has been diluted over the years by this phenomenon of globalization. To narrow down the analysis this paper will consider the dilution of sovereignty under the light of a primary force of globalization; Transnational Corporations. With the birth of the state, the concept of sovereignty originated. This included both internal and external sovereignty; however, the latter was recognized much later after the end of the ‘Thirty Years War’ and the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia. Internal Sovereignty was defined as the ability to exercise control and authority within the territorial boundaries of the state.†¦show more content†¦The company was seeking policy favors, legal concessions and maximizing its profits while the dictators required foreign direct investment, economic development and enhancement of p ersonal wealth through grafts and underhand dealings. The relationship worked well till 1944 when as a result of free elections the paradigm changed and a democratic dispensation was ushered in under President Juan Arevalo succeeded by Jacobo Arbenz in 1951 elections. The democratic government of Arevalo had an altogether different mindset. Both Arevalo and his successor Arbenz started on a path of progressively reforming the society. A comprehensive program for social uplift of the Guatemalan people was charted out. Its major focus was on equitable distribution of national income, allowing civil liberties, empowering people and most importantly attempting to reduce the monopolistic control of different sectors of the economy by United Fruits Company. President Arbenz started planning to create a parallel railway network which was to provide cheap accessibility and transportation to the people. He also planned another port on the Atlantic to be run under the government control and building a hydro electric plant providing cheap electricity in competition with the one made by the Americans. The prime point of conflict, however, arose when the Arbenz government decided to implement agrarian reforms in the country. It was aimed at buying and redistributing unused land toShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Of The United Nations878 Words   |  4 PagesGlobalization has been happening at a rapid pace within the last few c enturies. 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